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Basic information on Data Protection


Responsible for the Treatment:


CIF: B-83056655

c / Amparo 103, 28012 Madrid




For what purpose do we process your personal data?

In ELAMEDIA the data processing is carried out with the following purposes, depending on the reason for which you have provided them:

  • Contact the sender of the information, respond to your request, request or inquiry, and do a subsequent follow-up.

  • Manage, where appropriate, your order and carry out the service contracted by the USER, its billing and collection.

  • Commercial and administrative management of clients and suppliers.

  • Labor management of staff.

  • Assess and manage, where appropriate, your curriculum vitae for selection processes that adapt to your professional profile and carry out the necessary actions for the selection and hiring of personnel.

If you are an ELAMEDIA customer, we process the information you provide us with in order to provide the requested service and bill for it. The data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or during the years necessary to comply with legal obligations. The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation.

If you are not a client of ELAMEDIA, we process the information you provide us in order to send you advertising related to our services by any means (postal, email or telephone). The data provided will be kept as long as you do not request the cessation of the activity. The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation.


In both cases, you have the right to obtain confirmation about whether ELAMEDIA is treating your personal data, therefore you have the right to access your personal data, rectify the inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected.


If you have sent us your curriculum, we inform you that your curriculum will be incorporated into ELAMEDIA's information systems if your profile fits the needs of the company, otherwise it will be removed within a period of no more than one year.


In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, it communicates to the users of the Website that the data provided through our website Through the forms and / or e-mails received, and which are considered personal data, they will be incorporated into our information systems.


Users guarantee and respond, in any case, to the veracity, accuracy, validity, authenticity, relevance and non-excessiveness of the Personal Data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated.


The person responsible for the file has adopted the security levels of protection of Personal Data legally required, and has installed all the means and technical measures available according to the state of technology to avoid loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the Personal Data provided, in order to ensure your privacy. And it undertakes to comply with the obligation of secrecy regarding the data included in the file.


The user has the confidentiality and the duty of secrecy of all those who process the data in his name and on his behalf. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user is aware of the possibility that the security of communications over the network is not invulnerable.

The personal data of the user are treated by ELAMEDIA under the strictest confidentiality, adopting the necessary technical and organizational measures to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the personal data that are processed.

ELAMEDIA only hires technological services that offer sufficient guarantees for the processing of data for which it is responsible or to which it accesses on behalf of its clients. In this sense, as far as possible we only contract with suppliers whose infrastructures are in the territory of the European Union. In other cases, we contract with providers located in the United States, but only if they are attached to the Privacy Shield agreement.


The communications that are made by email or by any other electronic means, will be those necessary to manage your request.

In no case will they be used for different purposes or transferred to third parties. ELAMEDIA is clearly positioned against 'spam', so in no case will it use personal data to send unsolicited commercial communications without your authorization.

However, they will be those that have been expressly consented to or authorized by the recipients in accordance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, except as provided in article 21.2 of this same Law, in the wording given by the First Final Provision of the new General Telecommunications Law.

Data retention periods or criteria:

The data for the management of the relationship with the client and the billing and collection of services will be kept for as long as the contract is in force. Once said relationship has ended, where appropriate, the data may be kept for the time required by the applicable legislation and until the eventual responsibilities arising from the contract are prescribed.


The data for the management of inquiries and requests will be kept for the time necessary to respond to them, with a maximum period of one year.


The data for sending commercial communications of our products or services will be kept indefinitely until, where appropriate, you express your willingness to delete them.


The curriculum vitae data for selection processes will be kept for six months.


ELAMEDIA will keep your personal data once its relationship with you has ended, duly blocked, during the limitation period of the actions that may arise from the relationship with the interested party.


Once blocked, your data will be inaccessible to ELAMEDIA, and will not be processed by it, except for making it available to public Administrations, Judges and Courts, for the attention of possible responsibilities arising from the treatments, as well as for the exercise and defense of claims before the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.



What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?


The legal bases that allow us to process your data for each of the indicated purposes are:

a) Contractual relationship: it is the one that applies when a service is requested.

b) Legitimate interest: to attend to the queries and claims that you raise and to manage the recovery of the amounts owed.

c) Your consent: if you are a User, by sending your emails;

d) The law: such as when any judicial or administrative authority requests data from us to comply with the provisions of a legal norm.

Obligation to provide data:

The information requested is the minimum necessary to be able to fulfill the previously detailed purpose.

If any of the mandatory data is not completed, it will prevent the completion of the requested process, which will prevent you from accessing the products and services that ELAMEDIA offers you.



To which recipients will your data be communicated?

Your data will not be communicated to any third party not related to the provision of the service, except for current legal obligations. In any case that this possibility changes, you will be duly informed requesting your consent for said assignment.


However, we inform you that, for the correct provision of services, it is possible that different service providers contracted by our entity (those in charge of treatment) may have access to the personal information necessary to carry out their functions.


These services provided by third parties are necessary for the development of our activity and the provision of the service, and at all times, the treatment of the data they carry out is governed by a contract that binds the person in charge with respect to our entity. In no case will they use the information for other purposes and will treat it in accordance with the guidelines stipulated by our entity, in accordance with our privacy policy and current regulations on data protection.


Our entity, in its commitment to the privacy and protection of User data, will only choose service providers that offer sufficient guarantees to apply appropriate technical and organizational measures, so that the treatment is in accordance with the applicable legislation on data protection and guarantee the protection of the User's rights.


In this sense, we inform you that your data may be transferred to the following providers:

Responsible for the Treatment


Information location

Alaus Asesoría y Servicios 2000, SL

Tax advice, accounting

Pº de las Acacias, 30, P2, 7º D - 28005 Madrid

CIF: B82861329

We also inform you that our entity uses basic information storage systems in the cloud (Cloud) through the service provider in the United States Google Drive,, technology companies that currently offer all the guarantees required in terms of Data Protection. That is why this entity appears on the official lists of entities with security guarantees that you can consult at the following link:


During the period of duration of the treatment, ELAMEDIA will carry out the foreseen legal assignments, management with banking entities and organizations or persons directly related to the person in charge.


ELAMEDIA has a corporate profile on the social networks Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Vimeeo and Linkedin. Thus, by virtue of the provisions of the Personal Data Protection regulations, ELAMEDIA is "Responsible for the processing of your data" due to the existence of said profiles on social networks and the fact that you follow us and we can follow you .


This means that, if you decide to join our corporate profile as a follower or give a "Like" or a "Like" to our content or profile, you accept this policy, where we explain your rights and how we use your data.


As the person responsible for the treatment of your data, we guarantee confidentiality in the treatment and compliance with your rights, always under the effects of the aforementioned regulations.


On the other hand, we inform you that we will use these social networks to announce news or relevant information related to the services we offer, or on topics that we consider to be of interest to you. Using the functionalities of these platforms, it is possible that you will receive news with this type of information on your wall or on your profile.


Now, we also let you know that there is no link between ELAMEDIA and said platforms or social networks, so you will accept their use policy and conditions once you access them and / or validate their notices, terms and conditions in the procedure of registration, ELAMEDIA not being responsible for the use or treatment of your data that is done outside the strict relationship and provision of services indicated in this policy.


The European Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 has implemented a series of legal guarantees that allow the user to exercise rights and actions related to the processing of their data.


What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Rights of access:

Through the exercise of this right, the interested party can know what personal data of his / her are being processed by ELAMEDIA, its purpose, origin or its possible transfer to third parties and, in this case, he / she has the right to access them. .

Rectification Rights:

The interested party will have the right to request ELAMEDIA to rectify any data that is inaccurate or incomplete, and must specify in the request what data they want to be modified.

Cancellation Rights:

The interested party will have the right to request ELAMEDIA to delete the personal data that concerns him when, among other reasons, they are inadequate or excessive or are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

Portability Rights:

The interested party may receive their personal data provided in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and be able to transmit them to another person in charge, whenever technically possible.

Right to Limitation of Treatment:

The interested party, in certain circumstances, may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.

Opposition Rights:

The interested party, with the right of opposition, may object to the fact that the processing of their data is not carried out in cases such as: advertising and commercial prospecting activities or when said treatment has the purpose of adopting a decision referring to you based solely on a automated processing of your personal data.

Rights of Forgetting:

The interested party may request the deletion of personal data without due delay when any of the contemplated cases occurs. For example, illicit data processing, or when the purpose that motivated the treatment or collection has disappeared.

How to exercise the above rights?

The interested party can exercise their rights by sending a request letter, with the reference "Data Protection", attaching a copy of their ID or identification document equivalent to:

  • ELAMEDIA to the address, previously detailed, of the Data Controller, or

  • The email account detailed above in the Responsible Contact

Right to withdraw the consent given:

The interested party may revoke at any time the consent given for the processing of their data by writing to ELAMEDIA at the address, previously detailed, of the Person in Charge of Treatment, or to the email previously detailed in the Contact of the Person in charge, with the reference Protection Data, attaching a copy of your ID or equivalent identification document, without this revocation of consent affecting the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.


Right to complain to the Control Authority:

In any case, the interested party may, if he understands that his rights have been violated, file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, with address at Calle Jorge Juan 6, 28001 in Madrid, telephone 901 100 099, and website


Origin of the Data:

All the data of the interested party processed by ELAMEDIA have been freely informed by the interested party.


In the event that the request includes personal data, by persons who do not own them, the user must, prior to their inclusion, inform said persons of the points contained in the previous paragraphs. ELAMEDIA disclaims any responsibility for the breach of this requirement.

In which sections of the website do we collect your data:

a) .- Through social networks

We may collect your data through your user profile on the social networks that we use from ELAMEDIA, which are detailed in section 9 of this policy.

b) .- Through our corporate email

Through our email: you can write to us and / or request the information you consider necessary to clarify doubts related to our services or about the operation of our Website.

Other means of collecting your data:

a) .- When we exchange contact information at fairs, events, or strictly professional public relations

Within the framework of professional spaces and situations, such as fairs, events or direct public relations, we can obtain contact details of workers or professionals, in order to establish a business relationship for the provision of services, networking dynamics or commercial activities in general. An example of this is the exchange of cards of our workers with other professionals.

b) .- When they request our services

We collect the name, surname and contact information of the client, as well as any other information that you provide us, limited to the purpose of our services and protected by our duty of confidentiality. This information may include data from other members of your organization. Subsequently, we will treat this data in order to make a proposal, provide the service, carry out after-sales service and, ultimately, keep the client informed about ELAMEDIA products and services similar to the one contracted or offered.

c) .- When we assess the possibility of hiring workers

We collect or send us resumes, in which in addition to academic data there is data related to professional and academic experience. The purpose is to assess the incorporation of these workers into our workforce.


ELAMEDIA reserves the right to modify its Data Protection Policy according to its criteria, due to a regulatory change or the organization's practice. Such modifications will be published on this website, providing the necessary resources for the user to read them. In any case, the relationship with users will be governed by the rules provided at the precise moment in which this website is accessed.


Last update: 01-23-2019

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